Spiritual Sessions

You have the rest of your life to change your future.

coaching mLiving in today's society poses challenges: with rapid changes and plenty of stimuli. This can lead to a lot of stress. Usually, this stress is manageable. But when unforeseen circumstances arise and you feel like you're losing control, a lot happens to your feelings, thoughts, behavior, and even to your body.

Becoming aware of what causes you stress helps you regain balance in your physical, emotional, and mental health. Together, we'll examine how everything fits into the bigger picture and what your role is. We do this by looking back, but also by looking forward.

I use various techniques to gain insight into your specific needs, and work as quickly as possible. But trust needs to be built and felt by you, and me.
Every question by you is a good question. Even addressing life questions such as "why did I choose to come to Earth?" if they arise.

I work intuitively, practically, and with a focus on solutions.

You're welcome for sessions on line or in my home practice close to Madrid.

Why do people come to see me?

Stress, burn-out, relationship break-ups, physical problems, not being able to relax, boundary issues, putting others needs before your own, feeling off, making sense of the mixed emotions and feelings, infertility, feeling overly sensitive or overwhelmed, not feeling right, depression, anxiety, grief, just to relax, learn about chakras, working with angels, energy, meditation, tapping and much more.


+31 6 23 31 80 56
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Bloem Louise Tuijt