
Snippets are short and longer blogs about topics that are close to my heart. They appear on Social Media: Instagram, FaceBook and LinkedIn, so if you follow me there, you will always be the first to know what keeps me busy!

Yellow flowers Louise Tuijt

Can't fall asleep? Try this...

Are you lying awake at night?
Is it hard to fall asleep?
Do you toss and turn all night?

This happens every now and then.

You've tried everything:

  • Warm milk with anise (Grandma's golden tip)
  • No screen time just before turning in
  • A fresh bedroom
  • No phone in the bedroom

And yet... there you are, lying under your clean duvet. Ready to sleep. But alas... nothing happens.

Although, a lot is happening!: your thoughts start to take on a life of their own.

  • Should I have approached that conversation differently?
  • How is she really doing?
  • Why does my partner just fall asleep?!

Sound familiar?

Sometimes it seems like your head is disconnected…and has a life of its own. But did you know that you can control your thoughts? It takes some practice, but it can really help.

What can you do?

Instead of going around in circles about everything that didn’t go well, try this:

  • Find something that did go well today, no matter how small.
  • Breathe in deeply, and let all your thoughts go as you breathe out.
  • Consciously relax your shoulders, hands and also your lower jaw.
  • Focus on something that makes you happy or that you like to dream about, and let that be your last thought

Helpful tip:

Perhaps 15 minutes of worry-time during the day is an idea. Consciously plan a moment during the day to allow all those thoughts to enter, so that your head is a bit quieter at night.

It takes practice, but it can really change your nights.

I hope it helps you as much as it helped me.

Would you like to talk about it?

You are welcome. Always.

Flowers white Louise Tuijt

The Smile from Within

Did you know that something as simple as ‘a smile from within’ can change your entire day?

Will you join me?

  • Breathe in, breathe out
    Close your eyes and take three deep breaths through your nose. Feel your body relaxing.
Red flower Louise Tuijt

Snippet about parenting

Safety, and the power of small choices
Suddenly, I’m reading  how important it is to give children freedom in every magazine or paper I open.
But you know what? Too much freedom can make your child insecure.

I get it though, you want to give your children all the space they need to discover what they want.

But do you realize that you can overwhelm your children by doing so? Your child can feel like he/she is swimming without a life-vest.

Flower white Louise Tuijt

Looking for Something Different

A friend was completely down. She thought she wasn’t good enough. Completely self-effacing. Depressed, even. At some point, she sought help. Very cool because she was Dutch, lived abroad, and was far away from ‘familiar help’. It was long before online sessions.

I was able to support her as a friend, but I was too close as a therapist. Luckily, she found a great therapist who taught her brilliant things, mainly about herself. She learned to look differently at things happening around her. What she could and couldn't control.
I was quite curious how this therapist approached the process and asked my friend what kind of assignments she was given to do.
One assignment has stayed with me to this day and I now use it regularly myself. For myself and for my own clients.
It's a bit like keeping a ‘gratitude’ book, in which you daily write down 3 to 5 things that made you happy, what made you grateful, what went well that day, what made you smile.

Flower pink Louise Tuijt

Random Act of Kindness

It's Saturday afternoon. No wind. All (adult) children are at home. It’s time for a walk on the beach.

We walk, whilst talking, laughing and also running on the crowded beach. Looking at the sea, the people and all the dogs.

When we are almost at 'our' beach mark, the one where we always decide to turn back,  we spot a bunch of keys . Practically in the sea. What to do? What should I do?

No one seems to be searching for them as far as we can see. We decide to go to the boulevard and look out for a Mitsubishi, because the keyholder shows this brand. We walk past the first cars, but unfortunately we don’t find the right car. We stroll on, meanwhile decide to buy some fish.

We stroll past the next block of cars and spot a Mitsubishi! A foreign car at that.


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Bloem Louise Tuijt