Pink flowers snippet Louise Tuijt

An ‘Aha’ Moment: The Power of Feeling

For me, last week was a bit of a contemplative week.
When a lot is going on our lives - like now - I tend to walk a lot.

It’s my way to deal with everything – to have my meditation moments.

And this may lead to an “Aha” moment, a moment of insight.

When you suddenly see matters in a different and clear light. Without the filter of your normally carefully built defense and protective layer. So bizarre.

Although you can think, analyze, rethink, and understand so much and while you may know and understand that everything is fine… suddenly... you feel it… deep inside... you have another insight… a different kind of knowing.

It’s really changing...
I’ll never see her again...
I will probably never come back here again...

That’s the moment you can take the next step.

Letting go…

Until that moment you continue to hope
Up to that moment you can continue to hide

She will still call me...
They still need me so much...
I really can't take my holidays... leave... stop... change...

Letting go..

Taking the next step

I see the image in my mind where you do go bungee-jumping,
because you finally feel good about it,
because you finally dare to take that next step.
Because you no longer only talk about it,
but you do it because you know it's good,
as it feels good,
just as it is.

I am sure you can do that too.

Take that next step!
You can do it!


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Bloem Louise Tuijt