
Snippets are short and longer blogs about topics that are close to my heart. They appear on Social Media: Instagram, FaceBook and LinkedIn, so if you follow me there, you will always be the first to know what keeps me busy!

Flower light blue Louise Tuijt

Green Grass

Humans are strange creatures. We always somehow want something different to what we already have, and preferably the same as the neighbor.

After all, the neighbor’s grass is always greener, right?

The same goes for work, relationships, holidays, clothes, you name it.

Flower red Louise Tuijt

Holiday challenges…

Are you also already looking forward to the summer holidays?

Sleeping in.
PJ days with the kids.
Finally finishing that book by reading all day.
Maybe taking long walks.
Having interesting discussions with friends.

Oh, these are such great things to look forward to.


+31 6 23 31 80 56
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