sunflowers Louise Tuijt

The Power of Small Steps

“This year, everything will be different. I’m sure of it because this year I will stick to my intentions. All my plans will come true. Really, I mean it.”

Sounds familiar? Making plans is quite easy. However, executing them successfully can be quite a challenge.

For example, you have a very clear goal for this year: to go on safari, for which you have saved for years. To actually achieve your goal, you will still need to make an extensive and detailed plan. You won't just hop on a plane to say Kenya and assume that you will be picked up from the airport and be taken on the trip of your dreams. No such luck.

You will have to plan your trip: where do you want to go, which country, what time of year, for how long, do you want to go camping or do you want to stay in hotels, what kind of clothing do you need to take with you, do you need other gear, what about vaccinations, do you want a guide or not. Even if you do go on a whim, you will still have to make a plan, such as where to sleep the first night. You really increase the chances of it being the trip of a lifetime if you prepare yourself well.

The same accounts for making your goals and plans for the entire year. It’s already end of July …
What has come of your plans so far?

That's exactly why it's useful to make notes to create a sort of old-fashioned treasure map. It helps you see where you are with your plans, and helps you establish which steps to take to achieve your goals. This doesn’t mean that every step is set in stone, but it does provide you insight into what you want to achieve this year.

Creating the 2024 Treasure Map

Take a large sheet of paper and start mind-mapping: jot down your goal in the center. Subsequently, in circles around your goal, write down what you think you need, such as the necessary steps you can think of now. Don’t worry about it looking pretty. It's about how you can break down your goal into smaller steps.
For instance: you want to get fitter (a good intention), but going to the gym 4 times a week may very well be a bit much at first. You may well consider going once a week in the first month, perhaps with a personal trainer, or walking for an hour twice a week instead. And then do a bit more in the second month, and so on. Of course, you can also take this approach with your work. Especially if you run a business, this is very wise.

I know a company where management takes one week each year around Christmas to write a detailed plan for the coming year. They even schedule in the holidays!

Focus on what you want to achieve.
In small steps.
Then you will get there.

P.S. Asking for help is also part of planning! Don’t forget.


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Bloem Louise Tuijt