Flower blue Louise Tuijt

If Only I Had...

Mail is lying on the doormat,
some flyers, the newspaper,
and finally a letter, an obituary notice.. 

Suddenly you recognize
a city, a street
you walk to the window,
read a name

So often you’ve thought,
I'll call him tomorrow,
tomorrow I'll ask how he is,
how he's doing,
And tell him I miss him

So often you've thought,
why doesn't he call me,
why don't I pay him a visit,
maybe he misses me

But you never did,
because there was always something going on,
then this, then that,
always something more important

This is part of the lyrics of a song, sung by Herman van Veen in 1996 (You've Often Thought).

These lyrics suddenly popped into my mind last week. You think of someone and then still forget to reach out. It happens so often. And it happens to all of us, as we think why doesn't he/she call me? Or, he/she will probably be busy. Or, I'm too busy and I'll do it tomorrow.

Around that same time, a colleague sent me an app. We hadn't seen or spoken to each other for quite some time. I decided to call her. So she could tell me everything she'd experienced over the past year and I could tell her how I was doing. We had an old-fashioned phone call for almost an hour. So incredibly nice and heartwarming.

It doesn't have to be as drastic as in the song but still...
Sending an App is really not the same as talking on the phone. It’s practical and faster. But it’s certainly not as much fun.

Pick up the phone: maybe it will to make the world just that bit nicer and friendlier.


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