Flowers white Louise Tuijt

The Smile from Within

Did you know that something as simple as ‘a smile from within’ can change your entire day?

Will you join me?

  • Breathe in, breathe out
    Close your eyes and take three deep breaths through your nose. Feel your body relaxing.
  • Smile softly
    Pull the corners of your mouth up slightly and make ‘soft eyes’, as if you are looking at something sweet, cute.
  • Extend to your forehead
    Imagine extending your smile to your forehead, as if sending a warm ray of sunshine to your ‘third eye’.
  • Feel your heart
    Let that smile sink to your heart. Feel how your heart opens gently, giving you a warm, happy feeling.
  • Smile from within
    Breathe in and imagine a shining bright light in your belly. Gently rub your hands over your stomach, clockwise, and feel the warmth and joy spreading.

Repeat this a few times. Notice and experience how your mood brightens.

A simple smile from within can make a world of difference.

Try it – you are worth it!!!


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