It's Saturday afternoon. No wind. All (adult) children are at home. It’s time for a walk on the beach.
We walk, whilst talking, laughing and also running on the crowded beach. Looking at the sea, the people and all the dogs.
When we are almost at 'our' beach mark, the one where we always decide to turn back, we spot a bunch of keys . Practically in the sea. What to do? What should I do?
No one seems to be searching for them as far as we can see. We decide to go to the boulevard and look out for a Mitsubishi, because the keyholder shows this brand. We walk past the first cars, but unfortunately we don’t find the right car. We stroll on, meanwhile decide to buy some fish.
We stroll past the next block of cars and spot a Mitsubishi! A foreign car at that.
Would the key fit? It does! We leave the keys in the driver's seat and tell the woman from whom we bought the fish what we have done.
We wander around the car a bit while we eat the fish. Will we get to see the owners of the car?
In the meantime, we are enjoying each other and looking forward to seeing surprised faces of the owner of the keys and car. We also googled 'what to do with lost and found objects on the beach'. Did you know that there is a Facebook group for that?
Anyway, it's time to go back to our own car. Two people arrive with a dog and I just know that they belong to the car. We approach them and yes, the hunch is right. They are!!
They listen to our story in disbelief. He checks his coat pockets and admits that his keys are no longer there. Stuttering, he admits that he's never had so much luck in his life.
We walk on, smiling and happy and with a good story.
Have you ever performed such a Random Act of Kindness?
We call it a ‘RAK-ky’ at home and it’s our goal to do something like this every day, big or small.
Will you join me?